Photo courtesy of TTC Facebook page; the cast, looking much happier here than their characters do in the production.
Presented by Titanic Theatre Company
Written by Jamie Pachino
Directed by Michelle M. Aguillon
September 8-25, 2016
Central Square Theatre
Cambridge, MA
Titanic Theatre on Facebook
Review by Noelani Kamelamela
(Cambridge, MA) It is a presidential election year in these United States. Ordinary campaigns are already the cesspools of public opinion where good policies raise their hands and get passed over for workable compromises. Presidential campaigns are therefore a special circle of our own red, white and blue hellscape where we, the people, can gather together and worry about our future as a nation. It is a Sisyphean task, which means the situation is ripe for comedy. Titanic Theatre Company’s production of The Return to Morality elicits anxious laughter in this context. Continue reading