Cover design by Lisa Govan.
“If the sea were to shout,
we would all be deaf.”
– Carlos Fuentes, “Destiny and Desire”
“Sotto Voce: A Play”
Nilo Cruz
TCG Books
Theatre Communications Group, New York, 2016
Available: http://www.tcg.org/; https://www.amazon.com/; and other purveyors of fine dramatic literature.
Review by Kitty Drexel
(New York, NY) Sotto Voce is a three person (two women, one man) play about the ways we harness our fears to confront the past and understand our consequential future. Playwright Cruz’s prose lilts off the tongue like a lover’s kiss. His character interactions sweep the stage of the imagination like poetry: gentle, unrushed but intense. Yet, his script is not without its thematic and dynamic problems. With the exception of two German characters revealed in flashback, these individuals manipulate each other with little compassion. Continue reading