Mar 05

BPT Spring Plays in Repertory: “The Fig Tree, and The Phoenix, and The Desire to be Reborn” & “The Recursion of a Moth”

Presented by Boston Playwrights’ Theatre
949 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215
Parking & Directions

The Fig Tree, and The Phoenix, and The Desire to be Reborn 
February 20 – March 9 on the Snodgrass Stage
By Isabelle Fereshteh Sanatdar Stevens
Directed by Nikta Sabouri
Original Music and Sound Designer: Arshan Gailus
Digital playbill 

The Recursion of a Moth 
February 27 – March 9 on the Snodgrass Stage
By Brandon Zang
Directed by Katie Brook
Digital playbill 

Critique by Kitty Drexel

BOSTON — This Spring, Boston Playwrights’ Theatre presents two new plays as part of its repertory season: Isabelle Fereshteh Sanatdar Stevens’ The Fig Tree, and The Phoenix, and The Desire to be Reborn and Brandon Zang’s The Recursion of a Moth. Fig adapts an Iranian/Zoroastrian creation myth into a fantasy parable. Moth explains time recursion (a physics term for time looping back in itself… I think.) via an expanded family social experiment.  Both trace love across oceans of time.  Continue reading