The Little Sisters getting jiggy.
Presented by LynnArts After Hours
by Dan Goggin
Directed by Kevin Cirone
Choreographed by Nicole Spirito
Music directed by Mario Cruz,
Rantoul Black Box Theatre
25 Exchange Street
Lynn, MA 01901
March 7th – March 23rd, 2013
Lynn Arts After Hours Facebook Page
Review by Craig Idlebrook
(Lynn) Traditional nuns make such easy targets for comedy, dressed so imposingly and yet looking so much like penguins. Dan Goggin, the creator of the Nunsense series, makes comedic scriptwriting look easy when nuns get involved; his scripts read like a group of friends began to one-up each other over drinks to devise funny scenes about nuns. If nuns are funny, the script seems to say, then nuns at a leper colony are funnier. If leperous nuns are funny, then nuns getting high are even funnier. And if nuns getting high don’t give you a case of the guffaws, then nothing beats a bunch of dead nuns in the freezer. Continue reading