Alexander Cook and Jennifer Coolidge; photo credit: A.R. Sinclair Photography.
Presented by The Nora Theatre Company
Written by Marisa Smith
Directed by Lee Mikeska
July 9 – August 2, 2015
Central Square Theater
Cambridge, MA
Central Square Theater on Facebook
Review by Kitty Drexel (who could use some saving of her own)
(Cambridge, MA) Marisa Smith has written a very good script. Saving Kitty is so good that, if logistically possible, She should get a second production on its feet ASAP. This is because the Nora Theatre Company’s current production stars Jennifer Coolidge. Coolidge’s well-deserved star power overwhelms Smith’s writing (and the stage). It is inappropriately likely that patrons will remember Ms. Coolidge did a show in Boston that one time. They are less likely to remember whose show it was, what it was about, or who the supporting actors were. That’s a damn shame. Continue reading