Photo by Andrew Brilliant / Brilliant Pictures
Presented by New Rep Theatre
Written by Caryl Churchill
Directed by Clay Hopper
Oct. 10 – Nov. 1, 2015
Arsenal Center for the Arts
Watertown, MA
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Review by Kitty Drexel
Apologies to the cast, crew and staff of A Number. Mrs. Drexel caught the sniffle plague and was unable to write intelligibly.
(Watertown, MA) Churchill throws us into the middle of the conflict: Salter (Dale Place) and son are violently discussing the son’s birth origins. Regardless of the half-truths Salter weaves, it is made clear that the Bernards (Nael Nacer) is one of any number of clones. The Bernards hate each other. Salter must come to terms with his rash decision to play God. In her pithy way, Churchill approaches identity, the morality of cloning by way of personal property, and the timeless conflict between nature and nurture. Continue reading