Apr 29

A Pitch-Perfect Meditation: GHOST-WRITER

Dan Kremer and Rebecca Harris. Photo by Meghan Moore.

Ghost-Writer by Michael Hollinger, Merrimack Repertory Theatre,    4/19/12-5/13/12, http://www.merrimackrep.org/season/show.aspx?sid=109.

Reviewed by Craig Idlebrook

(Lowell, MA) The author starts with a blank page. It fills with words. From where do the words come? That is the underlying mystery of Merrimack Repertory Theatre’s masterful production of Ghost-Writer. Continue reading

Apr 28

Melissa Carubia Takes Us For A Ride On The MBTA MUSICAL

T: An MBTA Musical Starts 6/8/12 at Club Oberon in Cambridge, MA.

photo credit: Elizabeth Woodward (from last year's production.)


Interview by Becca Kidwell

(Last year’s review: https://www.netheatregeek.com/2011/07/02/t-an-mbta-musical-charlie-takes-a-wicked-funny-ride/)

They’re ba-ack…Alice, John, and Michelle return to thwart the troublesome MBTA. On June 8th, T: An MBTA Musical, the surprising smash hit of last summer, makes stops at Club Oberon. Where do ideas for musicals come from? Melissa Carubia, the show’s composer, takes us on the underground journey.

Continue reading

Apr 28

When Crowd-Pleasing Isn’t Always A Good Thing: THE FULL MONTY

teve Gagliastro (as Harold Nichols), Nick Sulfaro (as Malcolm MacGregor), Michael Timothy Howell (as Jerry Lukowski), Corey Jackson (as Dave Bukatinsky), Andrew Oberstein (as Ethan Girard), David L. Jiles, Jr. (as Noah "Horse" T. Simmons); photo credit: Carla Donaghey

The Full Monty; book by Terrence McNally, lyrics by David Yazbek, Stoneham Theatre, 4/12/12-5/6/12, http://stonehamtheatre.org/.

Reviewed by Craig Idlebrook

(Boston, MA) I remember once going to see Gremlins 2 as a child and thinking immediately afterwards that it was just as good as the original. It had so much that was…fun!  Continue reading

Apr 27

28 SEEDS: Be a part of Boston History


photo credit: Hans Wendland

28 Seeds, Liars & Believers, Boston Center for the Arts Plaza Theatre, 4/19/12-5/12/12, http://liarsandbelievers.com/Shows/28Seeds.

Reviewed by John Herring

Let’s start with the mission statement of Liars and Believers, the company responsible for presenting 28 Seeds, currently at the Plaza theatre of the BCA complex: “Liars and Believers expands the language of live performance, exploring the widest variety of theatrical forms, creating accessible, unique shows that meaningfully engage the world we share.” Multimedia BOOYAH!!! fun is the game, here. Your seat taken, you will wonder at Zeynep Bakkal’s set design, involving the actual bare support structures of the space, evoking forgotten government warehouses, science gone terribly wrong, and gritty urban chaos that extends to and beyond your seat. Continue reading

Apr 24

Episode 4 Geeks Nerds and Artists Benjamin Zander Part 3

Episode 4:  Benjamin Zander Part 3

(recorded live) We discuss the bringing art to the people, exploring new paths, and making memories.

Boston Philharmonic Concert, http://www.bostonphil.org/,


Thursday, April 26 @ 7:30pm
Discovery Series
Sanders Theatre

Saturday, April 28 @ 8pm
Pre-concert talk at 6:45pm
Jordan Hall

Sunday, April 29 @ 3pm
Pre-concert talk at 1:45pm
Sanders Theatre

Apr 24

Episode 3 Geeks, Nerds & Artists

Episode 3:  Benjamin Zander Part 2

(recorded live) We discuss the Boston Philharmonic, arts organizations in general, and arts education

Boston Philharmonic Concert, http://www.bostonphil.org/,


Thursday, April 26 @ 7:30pm
Discovery Series
Sanders Theatre

Saturday, April 28 @ 8pm
Pre-concert talk at 6:45pm
Jordan Hall

Sunday, April 29 @ 3pm
Pre-concert talk at 1:45pm
Sanders Theatre

Apr 24

Episode 2 Geeks, Nerds & Artists Benjamin Zander Part 1

Episode 2:  Benjamin Zander Part 1

(recorded live) Interview with conductor of the Boston Philharmonic.  Talks about Mahler 7th and how to get people more involved in the arts. http://benjaminzander.com/

Correction:  Mahler waited 6 months  to write the first movement, not 6 years.

Boston Philharmonic Concert, http://www.bostonphil.org/,


Thursday, April 26 @ 7:30pm
Discovery Series
Sanders Theatre

Saturday, April 28 @ 8pm
Pre-concert talk at 6:45pm
Jordan Hall

Sunday, April 29 @ 3pm
Pre-concert talk at 1:45pm
Sanders Theatre

Apr 22

A Struggle Worth Viewing – The Miracle Worker

Gary Ng

The Miracle Worker by William Gibson, Wheelock Family Theatre, 4/13/12-5/13/12, http://www.wheelockfamilytheatre.org/feature-performance.aspx.

Reviewed by Kate Lonberg-Lew

(Boston, MA) The story of Helen Keller and her teacher Annie Sullivan is known worldwide. The drama of Sullivan’s struggle to reach a child locked away by blindness and deafness is well covered in cinema, theater, and literature. But Helen was not the only one that Sullivan would need to teach in order to be successful. Before she could reach Helen, she would need to teach the Kellers the dangers of pity and self-indulgence. They would need to learn to be strong. Continue reading

Apr 22


Pirate Lives, book and lyrics by David Marino, music by Stephen Gilbane, additional lyrics by Stephen Gilbane, Deanna Tolliver, and Sasha Goldberg, Flat Earth Theatre, 4/20/12-4/28/12, Black Box Theatre at Arsenal Center for the Arts, http://flatearththeatre.com/shows/2012/pirate-lives/.

(Watertown, MA) Uppercrusters and swashbucklers cross swords this April as Flat Earth Theatre stages the world-premier of Pirate Lives! The Musical! at the Arsenal Center for the Arts in Watertown. Written by Somerville playwright David Marino with composer Stephen Gilbane, Pirate Lives! pays crass homage to the works of Noel Coward with a tip of the hat to Gilbert and Sullivan. Continue reading