Oct 17

The Thing’s the Plays: Public Theater’s New “Shakespeare Machine”

Next time you’re in the NYC area, why not take a look at some kick-ass art in the refurbished lobby of The Public Theater?
Link to Article from ArtNews
The Public Theater
425 Lafayette Street
NY, NY 10003

Artist Ben Rubin remixes 37 works in a site-specific, L.E.D-lit, linguistic-supercollider sculpture (that’s also a chandelier)

“The Shakespeare Machine is the creation of Ben Rubin, a local media artist with the spirit of a mad inventor and a passion for data. Commissioned by the city’s Department of Cultural Affairs as part of the Percent for Art program, which funds site-specific pieces in city-funded construction projects, Rubin’s device is at once artwork, chandelier, brain-teaser, and literary tourist attraction.”

ARTnews article excerpts written by Robin Cembalest, posted 10/16/12.

Oct 16

Unending Nostalgia: REMEMBERING THE 40’s

Photo credit: Reagle Music Theatre

presented by Reagle Music Theatre of Greater Boston
Robinson Theatre
617 Lexington Street
Waltham, MA 02452
October 13th – October 14th
Reagle Music Theatre Facebook Page

Review by Craig Idlebrook

(Waltham) Try as we might, we are losing our connection to the World War II generation. As our veterans of the war and the home front blink out, so goes the tangible feel of an era when much of a country was united for one cause. In anticipation of this angst, we see the children of WWII veterans attempting to interpret that experience through movies and literature (i.e. Saving Private Ryan), but it is rare to get a fresh glimpse of how that generation might view itself. Continue reading

Oct 15

The Complete Gospel of The Reduced Shakespeare Company Unabridged (sorta)

l to r (Reed Martin, Dominic Conti, and Austin Tichenor)

The Complete History of America (Abridged), on tour throughout America NOW (abridged) with the Reduced Shakespeare Company, http://www.reducedshakespeare.com/.

the gospel according to Becca Kidwell

In The Beginning there was the word. And the word was boring. So some old dudes tried to manipulate it through tools called poetry and philosophy and it was less boring. However, people still preferred to watch people getting mocked and maimed in crazy ways such as being eaten by lions, burned at the stake, and hung upside down by their ankles over boiling vats of oil.

In the age known for its rebirth, a chap from the English countryside named Bill, who really liked the poetry

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Oct 15

Some Freedoms are More Free than Others: “Parade”

Photo credit: F.U.D.G.E. Theatre Company, the cast with director Joey DeMita kickin’ it.

book by Alfred Uhry and music and lyrics by Jason Robert Brown

Directed by Joey DeMita
Music Directed by Steven Bergman

The F.U.D.G.E. Theatre Company
Oct 12- Oct 20, 2012
The Arsenal Center for the Arts Black Box
321 Arsenal Street
Watertown, Massachusetts

F.U.D.G.E. Theatre Company Facebook Page

Review by Kitty Drexel

(Watertown) A True Story: Mr. Leo Frank was infamously the prime suspect in the murder trial of a young National Pencil Company factory worker, Mary Phagan in 1913. Jim Conley, the factory janitor, was also held as a suspect. Frank was sentenced to death; Conley was sentenced to work on a chain gang. Later, Frank’s sentence was commuted in 1915 to life in prison. Local public outrage inspired a lynch mob to kidnap Frank, drive him back to Marietta, Georgia, where the murder took place, and hang him. Parade spans the trial and 2 year imprisonment of Frank. Continue reading

Oct 15

Eat Your Heart Out: THE REVENANTS

Photo credit: Karen Ladany; Audrey Lynn Sylvia as Karen and William Schuller as Joe

presented by Happy Medium Theatre Company
@The Factory Theatre
Boston, MA
October 12th – 20th, 2012

Happy Medium Theatre Facebook Page

Review by Craig Idlebrook

(Boston) The premise of the zombie apocalypse seems well-suited for allegory. George Romero, the genre’s cinematic Godfather, has used the reanimated to explore every theme from racial tension to internet addiction. Meanwhile, the AMC television series the Walking Dead has found success by throwing a band of survivors together and having them struggle over what separates humans from the masses
of undead. In a way, zombies have become the ultimate MacGuffin, a plot device that stirs our heroes to action and soul-searching. Continue reading

Oct 15

The Boston Babydolls and “The Wrathskellar”

Photo credit: The Boston Babydolls

presented by The Boston Babydolls
October 28, 2012 to October 5, 2012
The Davis Square Theatre
255 Elm Street, Somerville, MA

The Boston Babydolls Facebook Page

Review by Gillian Daniels

(Somerville) The Boston Babydolls are out for an immersive burlesque experience. The striptease doesn’t begin when the women take the stage but when the audience find the door.

Theater-goers are greeted by a street musician at the mouth of a misty alleyway and directed to the stairs. There, they may be met by Herr Bücher (Scratch, narrator and director) who is dressed with all the subtlety of Alice Cooper. Which ever guide is doing the greeting, one will be directed down the stairs to The Wrathskellar. Continue reading

Oct 13

Murder Has Never Been so Adorable: “Senseless! A Brick Foley Adventure”

Photo Credit: Aurora Broadcasting Network

written and directed by Elizabeth Hara
October 12-13, 2012 @8pm
Puppet Showpace Theatre
32 Station St
Brookline, MA

Puppet Showplace Theatre Facebook Page

Review by Kitty Drexel

(Brookline) Someone has been murdering the blind/deaf students of the Helen Keller School of Music and Brick Foley, blind detective, is on the job to find out who. Was it the gentle and sweet teacher, Jane Allgood? Was it Chancellor Daniels or his nemesis Dr. Children? Could it even have been sexy vixen Bea Baxter? With his sidekick, Office Murphy, Detective Foley navigates the in’s and out’s of this puppet show/radio play and finds out who done it! (Brought to you by Price’s Powdered Ham.)

This short noir radio play cum puppetry show SHOULD NOT be missed! The Aurora Broadcasting Network has created an adult comedy that will melt the hearts of even the most cynical of theater goers. The troupe exudes a light jovial atmosphere that is founded on a sincere love of their craft. The 5 member team moves as one like a seemingly effortless machine. Although they do not use traditional puppets (a la Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood perhaps) their creative use of props and physical comedy leaves nothing to be desired. In fact, it’s a damn shame that the show isn’t longer than the allocated hour.

This show has it all: it’s a little naughty and is not appropriate for young children, the troupe employs character voices and perfected noir archetypes, minty fresh musical stylings begin and end the show, there’s a speedy and engaging plot and, best of all, the audience is encouraged to participate!

Please be advised that there is a 2 row splash zone. If flying meat products alarm you, it may be best to stand in the back.

There is an after-show with the ravishing Ruby Rose Fox, drinks and dancing.


Elizabeth Hara has worked as a puppet builder for the Jim Henson Company, Sesame Street, and Avenue Q. She has also built costumes for The Lion King, Shrek the Musical, and most recently, Spider-man: Turn Off the Dark. She is a Vassar graduate, and has performed at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and the Puppeteers of America National Festival.

‘Senseless’ features the performing talents of Brendan Yi-Fu Tay (The Puppet Kitchen,) Sarah Lafferty (Castleton Opera Festival,) Katrina Denney (Fundamental Theatre Group), Emmy Award-winner Michael Schupbach (Sesame Street, Johnny and the Sprites) Eric Wright (The Puppet Kitchen, The Metropolitan Opera, The Public Theatre) and David Brown (poorbutsexydc.combit.ly/ufofactory)

Oct 10

“The Company We Keep” by Jaclyn Villano

Boston Playwrights’ Theatre

Presented by Boston Playwrights’ Theatre
October 4 – 21, 2012
Boston Playwrights’ Theatre
949 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215

(Boston) Boston Playwrights’ Theatre presents its 31st season of new plays in Boston starting with recent BPT alumna Jaclyn Villano’s The Company We Keep. We can joke about attorneys and sharks, but here the metaphor is apt. New to Georgetown with a law professorship and a freshly renovated home, attorneys Harry and wife Ellie are having difficulty settling their 12-year-old son into the new school. When their best friends Katherine and Greg come to the housewarming with surprises of their own, what ensues tests the bonds of friendship, marriage, and parenthood in this vicious, biting comedy of manners. This one is not to miss.

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Oct 10

Amazing Acrobatics: “Sequence 8”

Photo credit: Les 7 doigts de la main

 Les 7 doigts de la main Production
Cutler Majestic Theatre
219 Tremont St., Boston, MA 02116
September 27 – October 7, 2012

Les 7 doights de la main Facebook Page

Review by Kate Lonberg-Lew

(Boston) Sequence 8, playing at the Arts Emerson’s Cutler Majestic Theatre, is not a play. What it is is a fabulous, entertaining and interactive demonstration of exactly what the human body is capable of doing. The young men and woman of the Les 7 doigts de la main troupe contort their bodies in the most amazing and graceful ways. This group is so talented and strong, you can’t help but walk away feeling you’ve
neglected to make use of all but the smallest fraction of your body’s capabilities. So, consider yourself warned. That said, if you miss an opportunity to see this production, you had better have one heck of an excuse. Continue reading

Oct 09

A Stylish, Creepy “Macbeth”

Photo Credit Stratton McCrady Photography

by William Shakepeare
directed by Paula Plum

Actors’ Shakespeare Project
Chevalier Theatre
Medford, MA
Oct 03, 2012 – Nov 04, 2012
Actor’s Shakespeare Project Facebook Page

Review by Gillian Daniels

(Medford) The Actors’ Shakespeare Project’s Macbeth wraps itself in a pleasing 1920’s aesthetic. Opening in the midst of a funeral procession, Latin is chanted for a tiny coffin as the witches follow in nun habits. Lady Macbeth (Mara Sidmore) turns to hush them as the funeral ends and she sits down to listen to the radio. The effect of the historical displacement is gorgeous and creepily off-putting. Continue reading