Jun 22

There Will Be Boobs: “The Teaseday Club”

Tuesday, July 9 at 7:30PM
The  Teaseday Club Facebook Page

The Teaseday Club meets the second Tuesday of every month at The Davis Square Theater and tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the box office.

Join us for some of Boston’s funniest comedians, sexiest burlesque dancers, and weirdest, wildest, and most wonderful performers of all stripes!


SARI KALIN’s Porch-i-oke!
Belly Dance from ZEHARA NACHASH!
The song stylings of KITTY DREXEL, Queen Geek!
Burlesque from VIKKI LIKKERISH!
Boston’s ‘Queen of the Fans’ MISS MINA MURRAY!

The possible return of the missing Master of Ceremonies, JOHN J. KING!

Support Your Favorite Performer!
The Teaseday Club is a varied variety show the second Tuesday of every month at The Davis Square Theater. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 the day of the show — and every ticket is a vote for your favorite performer! Each month, the performer with the most votes wins fame, prizes, a slot in the following month’s Teaseday showcase and THE GREAT TEASEDAY COOKIE (which may be a cupcake).

The Sales Champion for May & June was BRIGITTE BISOUX… but she won’t be performing in July, because she’ll be in Europe. Coincidence? You be the judge.

Jun 17

Can an Evergreen Bloom?: THE SOUND OF MUSIC


Photo©Paul Lyden

presented by North Shore Music Theatre

MUSIC BY: Richard Rodgers
LYRICS BY: Oscar Hammerstein II
BOOK BY: Howard Lindsay and Russel Crouse
Suggested by “The Trapp Family Singers” by: Maria Augusta Trapp
Directed and Choreographed by James Brennan
Music Directed by Dale Rieling

62 Dunham Rd
Beverly, Massachusetts
June 11th – June 23rd, 2013
NSMT Facebook Page

Review by Craig Idlebrook

(Beverly) Most of us can at least list the essentials of The Sound of Music: Julie Andrews, cute kids, nuns, Nazis.  As a child, it’s hard not to like it.  As an adult, it’s hard not to make fun of it.  As a regional theatre, it’s hard to do well.  Like It’s a Wonderful Life and A Christmas Carol, audiences know what they want to get out of this play, and too many theaters sigh and go along with it.  It’s like playing with a three-year old nephew through Thanksgiving dinner because it’s easier than dealing with the tantrum. Continue reading

Jun 15

Effervescent Emptiness: CHICAGO

(center) Angie Schworer as Roxie and Rick Pessagno as Billy Flynn give the press the scoop in CHICAGO at Reagle Music Theatre of Greater Boston June 13-23, 617 Lexington Street, Waltham. (Photo: Herb Philpott)

presented by Reagle Music Theatre

book by Fred Ebb and Bob Fosse
music by John Kander and lyrics by Fred Ebb
Directed and choreographed by Gerry McIntyre

Robinson Theater
617 Lexington St
Waltham, MA
June 13th – 23rd, 2013
Reagle Music Theatre Facebook Page

Review by Craig Idlebrook

(Waltham) Personally, I’ve had a hard time with plays that take on the rollicking 20’s. It’s rare to come across a script that strikes the right balance between the era’s bubbly exuberance and its tragically-wasted potential. Anything Goes was written too close to the source material to really make sense anymore. Guys and Dolls is more coherent, but still stubbornly devoid of subtext. And Cabaret (1931 is close enough) is built to pull audiences slowly from a dream to a nightmare, but too often productions can’t pull off the joy and the dread at the same time. Maybe I’m just allergic to flappers. Continue reading

Jun 14

R.I.P. Joan Parker, Philanthropist/Muse/Activist

Obituary: In Memory of Joan Parker

Photo credit: Bay Windows

An article from Bay Windows written by Deborah Peeples, President of Greater Boston PFLAG chapter follows below.

People may recall Ms. Parker as a champion of LGBTQ rights. Some may remember her gallant aerial descent to the stage in the 2010 Theater Offensive fundraising event “ClimACTS: Under A Big Top.” She was a miracle to those who needed her. Joan Parker, you are missed.

Joan Parker flying 30 feet up in the air at our 2010 “ClimACTS under a Big Top. Photo credit: The Theater Offensive

From Bay Windows:
“Obituary: In Memory of Joan Parker” by Deborah Peeples, President of Greater Boston PFLAG

I am writing to share the sad news that Joan Parker, one of our distinguished members of the Greater Boston Parents Families and Friends (Greater Boston PFLAG) Advisory Board, passed away yesterday.  Joan was an educator and community activist and philanthropist. She and her late husband, the acclaimed novelist Robert Parker, epitomized the ideal PFLAG parents. Proud and supportive of their two gay sons, Joan and Robert modeled the kind of behavior PFLAG seeks to promote with all parents: unqualified love and acceptance of their LGBT children.  And they took that love and support to its highest form by becoming activists  — committing themselves to making the world safe and inclusive for all.

For decades, Joan was active in a wide range of community service and arts organizations, including the American Repertory Theater, Community Servings, Theater Offensive, The Boston Children’s Theater and, fortunately for us, Greater Boston PFLAG.  Joan was also a moving force behind “Shared Heart”, a traveling exhibit of black-and-white photos of LGBT teens that was narrated by the featured youth.

Joan and Robert joined the Greater Boston PFLAG’s Advisory Board in June 2008, and together with Chad and Anne Gifford, served as Honorary Co-Chairs of our April 2008 and 2009 Pride and Passion fundraisers. At the April 2010 fundraiser, Greater Boston PFLAG honored Joan with its Cornerstone of Equality Award. Joan then went on to Co-Chair three successive Pride and Passion fundraising events. Each of these galas was more successful than the one before by all measures, including increasing the amount of funds raised to support of our bullying prevention and family acceptance programs. Beyond that, through her work on our fundraising events, Joan was instrumental in boosting public awareness of our lifesaving, life-changing mission. She became an active member of our Speaker’s Bureau and participated in our workplace based education programs for parents and allies.  She gave generously of her time, passion and expertise and was a brilliant “organizational development consultant”. She frequently opened her Cambridge home for countless meetings and parties for supporters and friends of the organization- in some respects, her Ash Street residence became a second home office for Greater Boston PFLAG.

My predecessor Stan Griffith, our Executive Director Pam Garramone and I will always cherish Joan’s warm friendship and her steady wise counsel. She was our guru and mentor. We are grateful to Joan Parker for all that she did to make the world a better place for all kids and their families.

Greater Boston PFLAG extends our deepest sympathies to Joan’s sons David and Daniel and to their families during this difficult time. The family has requested that memorial gifts be made in lieu of flowers to one or more of the organizations with which their mother was active, including Greater Boston PFLAG.  Those who would like to make a memorial gift in Joan Parker’s honor should consult our website at: http://www.gbpflag.org or call 781-891-5966.


Jun 13

Boston Globe: Geek Reviewer Snuggles Neil Gaiman

Charlie Mahoney for The Boston Globe. "Gillian Daniels poses with author Neil Gaiman prior to his reading at the Multicultural Arts Center."

Charlie Mahoney for The Boston Globe. “Gillian Daniels poses with author Neil Gaiman prior to his reading at the Multicultural Arts Center.”  (added by the Queen Geek: Aren’t they cute?)

Please see this Boston Globe article if you are a fan of our Geek, Gillian Daniels. The same also applies if you are a fan of Neil Gaiman.

From the article, “Neil Gaiman turns tweets into ‘Calendar of Tales,’” by Mark Shanahan and Meredith Goldstein:
English author Neil Gaiman this week released a collection of short stories and illustrations that was crowd-sourced using not money but the inspiration and wisdom of his 1.8 million Twitter followers.

The author best known for his comic book series, “The Sandman,” and the novels “Stardust” and “Coraline,” told us he was approached by Blackberry about partnering on a social-media project. His idea was to tweet questions to his fans, select 12 responses, and then write 12 stories — each based on a month of the year. The finished product, called “A Calendar of Tales,” is available online at http://acalendaroftales.com/.




Jun 12

“Shaping Sound”: Fabulous, Weightless Contortions

Photo Credit: Shaping Sound website, http://www.shapingsoundco.com/media

Produced by Break The Floor Productions
Created and executed by the Creative Team

Colonial Theatre
Boston, MA
June 10, 2012
Touring Schedule
Shaping Sound Facebook Page

Review by Gillian Daniels

(Boston) Break the Floor Productions’ Shaping Sound is a slick beast.  It unfolds like a series of pop music videos, surreal not in how the company experiments with choreography but in how the dancers create a synchronized smoothness.  Set to artists like Florence and the Machine, Edward Sharp and the Magnetic Zeroes, and Queen, each number is a crowd-pleasing mechanism of synthesized glamour. Continue reading

Jun 10


A National Public Radio Production
Hosted by the Huntington Theatre Company

Avenue of the Arts
BU Theatre
June 8th, 2013
Huntington Theatre Co Facebook Page

Review by Craig Idlebrook

Short review: It was great.  You missed it.  Support your public radio.

(Boston) Kidding, kidding, but really what else is there to say?  Take four well-crafted short stories of love, baseball and awkwardness, mix in three superb actors and stir.  Watching the touring production of Selected Shorts is a powerful reminder that we are creatures of narrative.  Whole societies are shaped by storytelling, be it a creation myth or an endearing belief of what a well-regulated militia looks like.  People die for stories, people become president by telling stories.  Without stories we might as well climb back up into the trees (unless you believe in the Christian creation story….see?). Continue reading

Jun 10

And the Green Grass Grows All Around: RAPTURE, BLISTER, BURN

photo: T. Charles Erickson

presented by Huntington Theatre Company
by Gina Gionfriddo
directed by Peter DuBois

South End Calderwood Pavilion
Boston Center for the Arts
Boston, MA
May 24th – June 22nd, 2013
Huntington Theatre Facebook Page

Review by Craig Idlebrook

A bunch of middle-aged folks had an academic argument about feminism and a great play broke out! Rapture, Blister, Burn, an insightful and barbed comedy about post-feminist uncertainty, is the rare play that immerses itself in theory and still makes us care. Continue reading

Jun 07

Paris in the Rain: Coeur de Pirate at Paradise Rock Club

WORLD MUSIC/CRASHarts and Crossroads
with Kandle

Thursday, June 6, 8pm,
Paradise Rock Club
, 18+
World Music/CRASHarts Facebook page
Coeur de Pirate Facebook page
Kandle Facebook page

Review by Kitty Drexel

(Boston) Coeur de Pirate vocalist, Béatrice Martin, has a lovely voice and charismatic stage presence. Her music sounds they way Paris in the rain feels; it is touched with lyric and pop influences. She was “under the weather” a.k.a. visibly ill yesterday evening. Therefore, giving her a review based on her performance would be unfair. What I saw was exemplary given the circumstances. You can decide on your own by listening to her CD (which I’ve been listening to on repeat all week) on Spotify, iTunes, or her website. Continue reading

Jun 07

“The Magic Mirror”: Window Into Another World

Photo Credit: Scott Bump, Not a photo of a brunette Khaleesi’s wedding. But it could be.

Presented by Juventas New Music Ensemble
Music by Polina Nazaykinskaya
Music direction  by Lidiya Yankovskaya
Stage direction by Erin Huelskamp

BCA Plaza Theatre
539 Tremont Street
Boston, MA
Juventas New Music Ensemble Facebook Page

Review by Gillian Daniels

(Boston) The Magic Mirror succeeds, most of all, in elegance.  Characters move through a sumptuous world, wandering along whirls of purple and blue on the floor, moving through dark woods and bright cottages. Varvara Sosedova, a visual artist from Moscow, brings personality and charm to the scenes, costumes, and props she designs. The contemporary songs and music also do their part to bring a hard edge to the story.  Even when characters aren’t as distinguishable as they could be or when the story begins to drag, the Juventas New Music Ensemble and composer Polina Nazaykinskaya create a fully realized world for Alexander Pushkin’s Snow White. Continue reading