Jun 13

Something to Think About: “Doubles, Demons, and Dreamers”

image taken from Sleeping Weasel FB page

image taken from Sleeping Weasel FB page

Presented by Sleeping Weazel Productions
Ugmo and Eenie Go Down the Ruski Hole
Written and directed by Kenneth Prestininzi

June 12-21, 2014
Boston Center for the Arts
Boston, MA
Sleeping Weazel on Facebook
Johnny Blazes on Facebook

Review by Danielle Rosvally

(Boston) As a heterosexual cisgendered woman living in what essentially constitutes the suburbs of a low-key city like Boston, it’s easy to let things like Pride Week fall off my radar. As such, it took the reminder of my accompanying companion and a couple of big honking rainbow flags spotted on the way to BCA to remind me what time of the year it was. In a lot of ways, this situation is allegorical to the overall message of the current incarnation of Doubles, Demons, and Dreamers.
Continue reading

Jun 13

It’s Amazing What One Can Do with Some Time and Creativity

Article originally posted on Consumerist:

Guy Stuck Overnight In An Airport Makes Awesome “All By Myself” Music Video, All By Himself
By Mary Beth Quirk, June 11, 2014

What’s a solo traveler to do when you’re forced to spend the night in an empty airport, its waiting areas and carousels echoing with the resounding solitude that can only be found in such a place in the wee hours of the morning? Make a music video set to Celine Dion’s “All By Myself,” naturally.

A man waiting overnight in Las Vegas’ McCarran Airport found himself with a lot of time on his hands and Dion’s song in his heart.

So he used his smartphone, a wheelchair and a water bottle as his camera crew and spent the night making a music video, visiting various spots around the seemingly empty airport.

“I had a person behind a ticket counter give me a roll of luggage tape before she left,” he says on his Vimeo page. “I then used a wheelchair that had a tall pole on the back of it and taped my iPhone to that. Then I would put it on the moving walkway for a dolly shot.”

He made use of his computer bag’s extended handle, and would prop it up using different items to get the right angle for the shots. He also employed sweet moves of his own.

“For the escalator shot I had to sprint up the steps after I got my shot so the computer bag didn’t hit the top and fall back down.”

All by myself from Richard Dunn on Vimeo.


Jun 10

Securing the Myth-ing Link: GIDEON’S KNOT

Presented by Bridge Repertory Theater
By Johnna Adams
Directed by Karen MacDonald

June 5 – 22, 2014
the Boston Center for the Arts
Stanford Calderwood Pavilion
Boston, MA
Bridge Rep on Facebook

Review by Kitty Drexel

Trigger Warnings: Graphic depiction of rape and violence, controversial and political arguments, full-body hugging

“Turn him to any cause of policy,
The Gordian Knot of it he will unloose,
Familiar as his garter”
(Shakespeare, Henry V, Act 1 Scene 1. 45–47)

(Boston) Alexander the Great is famous for marching through Asia and Africa in the name of Greece when he was 18 years old. He was a merciless conqueror and much of his work shaped the known BCE world. According to popular myth, in 333 BCE Alexander was shown a intricate knot in tying a chariot to a pole left by the sloppy founder of the city of Gordium. It was foretold that only the future ruler of Asia could untie the knot. Alexander, being the sensitive and thoughtful boy he wasn’t, instead hacked through the knot with his sword. Earlier versions of the myth imply Alexander first tries cunning to sort out the mess but eventually uses the pointy end of a sword to solve the riddle. These are the origins of the term “cutting the Gordian Knot.” It has come to mean using creative measures (cheating) in order to solve an convoluted problem. Continue reading

Jun 09

Luminarium Dance Company’s 4th Anniversary Gala & Showcase


Come celebrate Luminarium’s 4th anniversary with drinks, hors d’oeuvres, desserts, and special performances!
Sunday . June 22 . 5–8pm

Luminarium Dance Company is proud to announce its 4th Anniversary Gala & Showcase, celebrating four successful years in the Boston dance community. The evening will feature delicious foods from local establishments, speeches from collaborators and local art innovators, a silent auction, and exclusive 2014 Season announcements. Enjoy live performances of favorite Luminarium repertory, as well as footage and sneak peeks of the company’s latest works and projects. Don’t miss this chance to mingle with Luminarium’s Artistic Directors, dancers, and supporters, while taking in the beautiful Armory space (191 Highland Avenue, Somerville MA).

Tickets are now on sale!
This year there is a special “Young Professional” discounted ticket that’s only $20.
Advance purchase of tickets recommended. Available at door until capacity is reached.
Email tickets@luminariumdance.org or call 617.477.4494 with questions.

Please note: For this event, we are not taking reservations. In order to ensure your seat, please purchase your tickets in advance. Thank you!

Luminarium’s 2014 Season features the choreography of Merli V. Guerra and Kimberleigh A. Holman, with performers:
Rose Abramoff
Jess Chang
Melenie Diarbekirian
Elena Greenspan
Jessica Jacob
Amy Mastrangelo
Katie McGrail
Jennifer Roberts


Jun 09

War Wounds and “Widows”: Ariel Dorfman Reading

Presented by Flat Earth Theatre and Open Theatre Project
By Ariel Dorfman
Directed by Lindsay Eagle

Saturday, Jun 7, 2014 8PM
The Democracy Center
45 Mt Auburn Street
Cambridge, MA
Flat Earth on Facebook
OTP on Facebook

Review by Gillian Daniels

(Cambridge) In one of Widows most wrenching scenes, Fidelia Fuentes (Mariagrazia LaFauci) struggles to figure out how to tell the story of her father’s disappearance. She starts by talking about a bird, then starts again by describing how soldiers kicked down the front door, and then talks about flying. The narrative spins and, it seems, so does she. With each false start, Fidelia tries to find the language that will successfully communicate her anxiety. She can’t, however, certainly not within a country under a lethal dictatorship. Her narrative has been compromised. Continue reading

Jun 06

Unrelable Narrator presents “Human Contact: Short Sci-Fi Plays”


Unrelable Narrator presents Human Contact: Short Sci-Fi Plays
Written by Carl Danielson

(BOSTON) Performances are July 11-19 at Boston Playwrights’ Theatre.  Tickets are $15/$12 for students and seniors at http://www.unreliable-narrator.com or call (866) 811-4111. Check out humancontactshorts.tumblr.com for more information, and follow us on Twitter @unarrator or like “Unreliable Narrator” on Facebook!

Danielson’s Human Contact: Short Sci-Fi Plays is an evening of five thought-provoking one-acts that ask whether technology robs the soul or augments it.  These original tales explore the evolution of the nature of humankind as we confront aliens, time travel, self-directed evolution, and more.  With well-crafted stories performed by a large cast of Boston’s finest actors, Human Contact is a unique vision of the 21st Century’s future.

Founded in 2008, Unreliable Narrator produces strange homemade theater in and around Boston. They are best known for creating 2010: Our Hideous Future: The Musical!, which began at Boston Playwrights’ Theatre and played at various theatres, bars, and sci-fi conventions in the Northeast from 2010-2012. Other Unreliable Narrator productions include 2008’s Schmolitics, 2009’s Paranormal, and 2011’s The Way of the Warrior-Bunny.

The plays of Human Contact: Continue reading

Jun 06

Geek Comedy Night Presents “A PRISONER”

Previously on Geek Comedy Night
Friend (and former manager) Demando Managerissian (aka THE MANAGER) froze Kevin Harrington™ in carbonite for refusing to turn over Geek Comedy Night and his intellectual property.

Now Kevin Harrington™ awakes on a mysterious island in what looks like an idyllic comic book shop–but is really a bizarre prison! He encounters the shops inhabitants, people without names–just numbers, which give no clue to their status as prisoner or warder. WHO CAN BE TRUSTED? Kevin Harrington™ is assigned the Number Six 3/4, but refuses to comply with this identity.

The Manager and his warders demand INFORMATION. Kevin Harrington™gives them nothing. Now he and fellow numbers are forced to present a show–but could this be their chance to escape? Find out THIS SATURDAY June 7th at 8pm at Comicazi!


Rick Canavan, Chris Coxen. Matt Chaves, Mark Gallagher, Wes Hazard – Comedian, Nick Ortolani, Anthony Scibelli

Tom Majkut as THE MANAGER

Hosted By Kevin Harrington™

Geek Comedy Night Presents “A PRISONER”
SATURDAY, June 7th 8pm
Comicazi 407 Highland Ave Somerville, MA 02144
Price: $8 advance and online $10 at the door
Website: geekweekcomedy.com and comicazi.com

Jun 04

Getting Your Kicks Off Route 66: Sex Fest 2

This review is for mature audiences only: While the review is relatively safe for work, the production is not. The Geeks of the New England Theatre Geek are all adults. We sometimes review productions with “adult themes*”. The title of the production is a clear indicator of both the subject matter and performance content. If this is not something for you, please help yourself to another review.

You have been warned.

*Although why they are described that way is beyond me. Being over the age of 18 is no clear indication of adulthood.
Continue reading

Jun 03

Mommy Needs a Long Drink and a Stiff Cigarette: MASCULINITEASE

Produced, presented, performed and by the men of Sirlesque

June 1 and 5, 2014 @ CLUB OBERON (only one night left!)
Doors @ 7:30, Show @ 8
2 Arrow Street
Cambridge, MA
Sirlesque on Facebook

Review by Kitty Drexel

Trigger warning for sexy man parts.

“The future is here and it is dicks all the time.”
– Mehran Khaghani, emcee

(Cambridge) Oh my sweet Jesus, Mary and Joseph, go see Sirlesque’s Masculinitease! Don’t ask questions, just go. Fasten your seatbelts, babies, it’s going to be a bumpy night. Continue reading

Jun 02

“The Trouble with Tribbles” Seeks Out New Life in Classic Star Trek Episode

The Trouble with Tribbles
Presented by PMRP
Episode written by David Gerrold
Adapted and directed by Mindy Klenoff


Foley by Brad Smith

May 29 – 31, 2014
Unity Somerville
6 William St.
Somerville, MA
PMRP onFacebook

Review by Gillian Daniels

(Somerville) In her guest of honor speech at feminist sci-fi convention Wiscon, author N.K. Jemisin addressed the current social changes in the genre.  Prominent fans and writers in recent years have worked to promote more diverse stories in a field that most have believed to be largely dominated by white, heterosexual men.  “Go to sources of additional knowledge for fresh ammunition–” she advises those interested in broadening sci-fi and fantasy “–histories and analyses of the genre by people who see beyond the status quo, our genre elders, new sources of knowledge like ‘revisionist’ scholarship instead of the bullshit we all learned in school.” In this vein, The Post-Meridian Radio Players’ gender-swapped adaptation of The Trouble with Tribbles is not just a cute comedy but a revisionist take on one of sci-fi culture’s most beloved touchstones. Continue reading