“The Color Purple” Critique Removed from NETG: We Humbly Apologize.

The New England Theatre Geek removed its review of the Umbrella Stage Company’s The Color Purple by Kitty Drexel on June 1, 2023. It was brought to our attention that it caused great harm to the Umbrella Stage’s community. We sincerely apologize for our harmful words.

The review prioritized white oppression over the experiences of Black people. Doing so was an act of white supremacy. We humbly ask for your forgiveness. We promise to do better.

We thank the Umbrella Stage Company, BW Gonzalez, the cast and crew of The Color Purple and producer Brian Boruta for telling us we caused harm.

We acknowledge that it is not anyone’s job to do so and that all involved took risks to inform us. Thank you for trusting us with your feedback.

We thank you for the opportunity to make amends. We will atone for our mistakes.

We wish you exuberant joy and great triumph in your closing weekend of The Color Purple.

With humility, respect and love,

Kitty Drexel

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