AISLE SIX at the NYC Fringe, PortFringe and San Diego Fringe!

From Geek Reviewer, Nicola:

My musical, AISLE SIX, has been selected for three theatre festivals this summer: the New York International Fringe Festival (aka FringeNYC). This is very exciting but equally expensive. People have been incredibly generous in donating their time, talents and services, but I’m still trying to raise $3,600 to defray costs. If you can give even a little, please do. Just $10 will go an incredibly long way, and I’ll be most grateful. Plus, there are perks involved! 🙂 Check it out. And THANK YOU! – Nicola

Other Ways You Can Help

Even if you can’t contribute financially (and WHAT KIND OF UNFEELING MONSTER ARE YOU??!!! I SUPPOSE YOU’D HAVE ME BELIEVE YOU HAVE TO PAY “BILLS” OR SOMETHING?!?!), I humbly ask that you…

– Spread the word about Aisle Six and this campaign via social media

– Make some noise* in any other way possible!

* …about this, I mean.

That’s all, folks. Thank you, thank you, thank you. And remember: we’re all in this together at the Super Duper Store.

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